PubMatic announced the launch of the PubMatic Identity Hub, an enterprise, ID-agnostic identity management solution. Identity Hub extends Prebid’s open-source User ID module, making it easier for publishers to monetize programmatically and ensure buyers can recognize and bid on their desired audiences as third-party cookies become more restricted. The increase of consumer privacy regulations and reactions from tech platforms to block the usage of third-party cookies has caused audience addressability to erode. This has major implications across the industry, reducing publishers’ revenue from digital advertising and limiting buyers’ campaign performance and return on ad spend. Against this landscape, the digital advertising ecosystem is scrambling to find solutions to these challenges. Identity Hub is a software management layer built on top of Prebid’s User ID module that allows publishers to quickly and seamlessly support multiple IDs for each ad impression, thereby ensuring that buyers can recognize the publisher’s audience and bid more on its inventory, maximizing publisher revenue and buyer campaign performance. With Identity Hub, publishers can: Leverage any existing and future Prebid User ID module integration, including over 10 major partner IDs such as IAB DigiTrust, The Trade Desk Unified ID, ID5, and LiveIntent. Manage implementation and configuration of partner IDs through an intuitive UI, without the need for valuable developer resources. Track the incremental value of each partner ID with built-in analytics and reporting. Increase programmatic ad revenue by ensuring digital ad buyers can recognize the publisher's audience and bid higher for inventory. PubMatic’s Identity Hub, an enterprise extension of Prebid’s User ID module including an easy-to-use UI, analytics, and customer support, is available now and is pre-integrated with OpenWrap, PubMatic’s leading Prebid-first wrapper solution, so publishers can easily activate the tool today with a few clicks. It is also available as a stand-alone solution for publishers using other header bidding wrappers.