On the occasion of its half-year results, Publicis Groupe has revised upwards its 2024 net income organic growth target, now between +5 and +6% compared with +4 to +5% previously, 'despite the persistence of macroeconomic uncertainties'.

For the first six months of the year, recurring EPS rose by 5.3% to 3.38 euros, and FCF increased by 2.6% to 744 million, for an operating margin rate maintained at the historic level of 17.3%, including investment in AI.

At 6.69 billion euros, the communications group's half-year net income rose by 5.9%, including organic growth of 5.4%. Including income from re-invoiced costs, total income rose by 7.7% to 7.65 billion.

'We continue to gain market share, with organic growth in net income accelerating to 5.6% in the second quarter, a level ahead of expectations, and 400 basis points above the sector', stresses CEO Arthur Sadoun.

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