MUNICH (dpa-AFX) - The broadcasting supervisors of the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM) are critical of the possible increase in the Berlusconi family's stake in the ProSiebenSat.1 media group. "In the State Media Treaty, the requirement of state neutrality and thus the prohibition of state proximity is laid down," BLM President Thorsten Schmiege told the financial newspaper "Börse Online" (Thursday, January 19). Berlusconi's Italian media group Media For Europe (MFE) had announced plans in November to increase its stake to up to 29.9 percent of the voting rights. Most recently, the Italians held around 22.7 percent.

In December, the BLM had said that, with regard to the current stake, "there is no indication that MFE has any influence on the ProSiebenSat.1 Group comparable to control, given the current 22.72 percent stake" - "for example, due to interlocking personnel at management level, reservations of consent or close supplier relationships."

Schmiege now told "Börse Online" that if MFE's plans to increase its shareholding were to become more concrete, the BLM would have to examine whether this would violate the principle of state neutrality. "Silvio Berlusconi is an Italian senator and a leading force in a party involved in the Italian government. In this respect, the risk of influence on the TV programs of the broadcasting group must be kept in mind."

If exceeding the 25 percent threshold would constitute a violation of the requirement of state neutrality, one of the essential licensing requirements for all broadcasters would be in danger of falling away, the BLM president further explained. "The BLM can also stipulate a composition of the provider under company law that does not allow any provider to have a significant influence in the company's governing bodies, or the restriction of voting rights in programming matters."/mis/edh