In accordance with the decision at the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2022 Pricer's Chairman of the Board Knut Faremo has contacted the company's three largest shareholders to form a Nomination Committee. Shareholders shall also include such a group of two or more shareholders who have notified the Chairman of the Board that they wish to participate jointly in the Nomination Committee's work. The shareholders and representatives comprising the Nomination Committee are: - Göran Sundholm, own holding.

Ulf Palm, nominated by Sifonen AB/Lars Ingvarsson and David Ingvarsson, Hans Granberg, Anderssons Livs i Tingsryd AB/Simon Andersson and Per-Olof Andersson, Stefan Olsson Management AB/Stefan Olsson as well as Ulf Palm. Marc St John Webb, nominated by Quaero Capital S.A. At the Nomination Committee's first meeting, a Chairman of the Nomination Committee will be appointed. This information will subsequently be updated on the company's website.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 11, 2023, in Stockholm.