Cuxhaven/Edinburgh, January 28, 2013 - The wind farm developer PNE WIND UK, a subsidiary of German PNE WIND AG, has made important progress in planning wind farm sites together with Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS). Template legal documentation has been agreed, marking the next step in the development of PNE WIND UK's Forestry Commission wind farm sites.

PNE WIND UK was appointed as a preferred development partner to the Forestry Commission Scotland for the potential development of wind power schemes in Central Scotland. First step in this cooperation was the selection of most eligible sites. The agreement that has been reached between both parties will enable PNE WIND UK to progress with the development of their Central Scotland Lot 2 sites within the Tay, Cowal and Trossachs Forest Districts, ensuring that the concrete planning of the chosen sites can start to reach the approvals.

Markus Lesser, Chief Operation Officer (COO) of PNE WIND group, stated: "We are pleased that the projects are progressing. PNE WIND UK was appointed as a preferred development partner to the Forestry Commission Scotland for the potential development of wind power schemes in Central Scotland and the first step of this ambitious project has been completed. Our partnership with the Commission has brought together the custodians of Scotland's forests and woodlands and PNE WIND's expertise in wind energy to help contribute to the Scottish Government's targets for renewable energy by identifying sites which have a notional capacity for wind farm development of between 100 - 200 MW."

George Mager, Managing Director, PNE WIND UK, commented: "PNE WIND UK is delighted that we are in agreement with Forestry Commission Scotland over the best way to bring forward the progression of our wind farm sites and our next steps will be to bring forward specific site proposals for signing. We are keen to start engaging with local communities close to our projects and will shortly announce which of our schemes will be taken forward into planning. We will work closely with the Commission and local communities to develop the most appropriate wind farm sites."

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