CUXHAVEN (dpa-AFX) - U.S. investment bank Morgan Stanley will not sell its block of shares in wind farm project developer PNE for the time being. Talks with potentially interested parties about a full acquisition of the stake in PNE are currently not being pursued, the SDax-listed company announced in Cuxhaven on Friday. Morgan Stanley Infrastructure, or Photon, which it controls, had made this statement to PNE's board of management. The PNE share lost 3.7 percent after trading hours on the Tradegate trading platform.

Previously, the "Wirtschaftswoche" had reported on a bidding race. According to this, in the last round, the major shareholder is said to have negotiated only with the infrastructure fund Macquarie and a vehicle of the world's largest US fund manager Blackrock. According to the report, both offers valued PNE above its current market value. Morgan Stanley holds a good 44 percent of PNE.

PNE had announced at the end of October that Photon Management GmbH, which is controlled by Morgan Stanley, wanted to hold open-ended talks with potential interested parties about a full acquisition of its shares. At the end of November, PNE CEO Markus Lesser had said at a capital market conference in Frankfurt that numerous inquiries had been received./nas