Planet announced a new collaboration with Google Earth to make high-resolution data from Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative (NICFI) Satellite Data program available on the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform. Insights from Planet’s analysis-ready data combined with the power of Google’s Cloud will enable the entire NICFI community to analyze regional and global tropical forest losses on a scale not possible through traditional means. With access to Planet’s high-quality data and analytics, countries around the globe are better prepared to protect the world’s tropical forests against deforestation and tackle climate change. Early-access users have already tested the new integration for real-world applications, facilitating next-level discussions among scientists and policymakers in the fight to reduce and reverse tropical forest loss. Some of these innovative applications include: SERVIR, is a partnership of NASA and USAID and leading geospatial organizations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, that helps communities incorporate satellite Earth data into decision-making, tackling complex challenges like food security, water resources, and disaster mitigations. With the integration of Planet-NICFI data into Google Earth Engine, SERVIR can deliver greater convenience to its partners and provide a new level of detail and insight to decision-makers. In West Africa, Planet-NICFI data is already helping SERVIR monitor charcoal production, a key driver of deforestation in the region. Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands plan to utilize this solution to power machine learning models that can detect forest disturbances at higher spatial and temporal resolutions. With the Planet-NICFI analysis-ready Basemaps now available, the researchers will be able to test whether forest disturbances at scale can be classified using high-resolution, near-real time optical data. University of Copenhagen researchers can now directly access Planet-NICFI data in the GEE catalog, enabling pantropical analysis currently not possible on local servers. The group plans to utilize the ntegration for their custom studies on biomass mapping, tree species classification, and restoration monitoring. The integration is currently available to NICFI Data Program users and GEE users.