Piraeus Bank S.A. at its extraordinary general meeting held on December 10, 2020 approved the determination of a six-member Audit Committee, that will consist by five members of the Board of Directors, plus the representative of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, will function as a Committee of the Board of Directors, with a term ending at the end of the tenure of the current Board of Directors, elected at the meeting of June 26, 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Bank's shareholders that is on June 26, 2023, that can be extended until the Annual General Meeting that will convene after the end of the term of the Board of Directors, under the terms and conditions of article 44 of L. 4449/2018, of L. 3016/2002, L. 3864/2010 and the Relationship Framework Agreement between the Bank and the HFSF, as in force, and; b) the appointment of a) Mr. Hexter David, Independent Non-Executive Member, b) Mr. De Boeck Karel, Vice-Chairman, Independent Non-Executive Member, c) Mr. Berahas Solomon, Independent Non-Executive Member, d) Ms Weatherston Anne,Independent Non-Executive Member, e) Mr. Panzures Andrew, Independent Non-Executive Member, as members of the Audit Committee in accordance with the provisions of article 44, law 4449/2017. It is also noted that the HFSF representative, Mr. Dontas Periklis, Non - Executive Member will participate, in accordance with the L.3864/2010, in the Audit Committee, as well. The Chairman of the Audit Committee shall be appointed by its members.