The shareholders of Panostaja Oyj (HLSE:PNA1V) authorized a share repurchase program at its Annual General Meeting on January 31, 2012. Under the program, Panostaja will repurchase up to 5,100,000 shares, representing 9.86% of its issued capital. The shares can be repurchased in one or more stages. The shares may be repurchased using unrestricted equity only. The shares may be repurchased at a price determined on the day of repurchase in public trading by NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, or at a price otherwise determined on the markets. The Board has the power to decide how shares will be repurchased. The shares may be repurchased in a proportion not corresponding to the shareholders' holdings. The program will be valid till July 31, 2013. As of December 15, 2011, the company has 51,733,110 shares in issue.

Panostaja Oyj's share repurchase program expired on January 29, 2013. The company has made no repurchases.