Palamina Corp. (TSXV:PA) acquired 100% of the mining rights to the Minera San Gaban and Aurifera San Gaban claims for $0.04 million on January 22, 2018. Palamina paid a total $17,500 on signing of 100% transfer of the mining rights to the 300 hectare Minera San Gaban and the 700 hectare Aurifera San Gaban claims. A further $17,500 is due to the vendors once title to the mining rights has been registered in the name of Palamina. Palamina granted a 1% Net Smelter Return per property whereby Palamina retains the right to purchase one or both of the 1% Net Smelter Return royalties for $330,000 per 1% Net Smelter Return royalty per property. Palamina Corp. (TSXV:PA) completed the acquisition of 100% of the mining rights to the Minera San Gaban and Aurifera San Gaban claims on January 22, 2018.