Pacton Gold Inc. announced that it has finalized initial 2019 exploration plans for three of its Pilbara orogenic and conglomerate gold projects in Western Australia. Geological data and target inventories are being compiled for Pacton's projects in Western Australia's Pilbara craton. Numerous targets types have been identified, most with surface gold occurrences, including Paleoarchean and Mesoarchean orogenic shear hosted occurrences and intrusion related environments. Most of tenements also contain the unconformably overlying, horizontal Fortescue Group gold-bearing Mount Roe and Hardey conglomerates. Pacton is currently planning the remainder of its 2019 exploration program, which shall include field work on all of its Pilbara tenements. Boodalyerrie, Pacton's most easterly Pilbara tenement, hosts a prominent swarm of up to 10 m thick gold-bearing veins and stockworks hosted in a granitic tonalite host rock. Superficial reconnaissance prospecting and surface sampling conducted in 2013 returned encouraging grades. Pacton has prioritized exploration of the Boodalyerrie based on image analysis, including satellite hyperspectral data, which indicates large areas of alteration between the most massive quartz veins. This is interpreted as representing a stockwork of smaller, nested vein systems that present excellent, large, pervasive gold-bearing targets. The Boodalyerrie tenement also contains over 20 km of strike length along the contact of Fortescue Group rocks that unconformably overlie the tonalite pluton. The Fortescue Group Mount Roe formation and the directly overlying Kylena basalt are present. Geological relationships indicate that the emplacement of the quartz veins precedes the deposition of the Mount Roe formation. Consequently, the vein system is interpreted to extend under the Mount Roe formation. The initial 2019 Boodalyerrie exploration program will include detailed sampling over the entire tonalite pluton, with emphasis on the large alteration patches. Preliminary planning for a targeted drill program is underway for currently identified targets and will include expansion for additional targets identified by the sampling program.