Optimi Health Corp. announced that it has received an import permit from Mind Medicine Australia (MMA) to export its GMP MDMA and psilocybin capsules to supply approved psychiatrists under Australia's Authorised Prescriber Scheme. Mind Medicine Australia, a partner with Optimi since February 2023, achieved a world-first last year by successfully advocating for the rescheduling of MDMA for the treatment of PTSD and psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression (TRD).

As a result, these medicines are now available to Authorised Prescribers in Australia, paving the way for therapeutic options this year. To further support this initiative, Optimi has developed a secure Prescriber Portal set to launch in June 2024 to a network of more than 2,800 Australian psychiatrists. This tool will provide psychiatrists and practitioners with pre-authorized access to comprehensive information on the import and export process, as well as detailed insights into Optimi's MDMA and psilocybin capsules.