Optimi Health Corp. announce the appointment of Valerie H. Taylor, MD, PhD as principal investigator on behalf of the University of Calgary for the proposed phase I psilocybin clinical dosing study. Dr. Valerie Taylor is a clinician scientist researching new treatments for those suffering from mental illness through the lens of precision medicine. Originally from Newfoundland and Labrador, she was recruited from the University of Toronto to lead the Psychiatry Department at the University of Calgary in 2018 with a mandate focused on innovation, access, and efficiency. Professor Taylor's research activities are focused broadly on the area of the brain body interface utilizing translational research examining how novel compounds impact psychiatric &illness conditions. She currently sits as Chair of the University of Calgary's Department of Psychiatry, Board Chair of the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education, and as a Full Member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute. As a representative of the University, Dr. Taylor will be working under the auspices of a previously announced agreement (March 9, 2021) with the IMPACT Clinical Trial Accelerator Program housed within Alberta's Life Sciences Innovation Hub at the University of Calgary. The program works to design, support, execute, and report on the clinical trial process in conjunction with a Principal Investigator. IMPACT will provide expert clinical support towards commercializing proposed psilocybin-based formulations through the conduct of clinical trials and expert assistance towards securing regulatory approval.