OMRON at CES 2019, has showcased the harmony between humans and machines with its AI-equipped robotic table tennis tutor and debuting its Factory Harmony experience in which visitors work collaboratively with advanced machines in a vision of the manufacturing environment of the near-future. OMRON's AI-equipped table tennis tutor, FORPHEUS, is an interactive representation of the company's integrated technologies with OMRON Sensing & Control + Think at the core of the demonstration. FORPHEUS illustrates how intelligent machines can learn from human interaction and help develop and support human potential. Rather than competing, FORPHEUS learns from and tutors each player, adjusting his abilities to promote longer rallies, coaching and encouraging the other participant throughout their match. At CES 2019, OMRON is presenting the fifth-generation FORPHEUS, upgraded with advanced capabilities to learn from and coach the player, an expanded range of movement, faster ball return skills, enhanced people and ball-sensing prediction and deeper AI-powered personalized coaching. FORPHEUS now features "elbow" and "wrist" movements to place topspin and backspin on the ball. OMRON developers sharpened his vision, which now boasts high-speed image processing by a stereo camera. Using his improved perception and data from a player's performance, FORPHEUS now compares a player's form and skill to that of a professional table tennis player, providing personalized coaching.