NuGen Medical Devices Inc. announced that Sol-Millennium Medical Inc. has placed its initial purchase order of 3,832 InsuJetTM injectors plus consumables to fulfill the first pharmacy orders received by Sol-M from distributors in Canada and Switzerland. NuGen is expected to deliver the devices starting in August through September 2024. The underlying pharmacy demand for Sol-M's order is primarily in Canada, where 3,282 units are destined for large pharmacies.

The remaining 550 InsuJetTM devices plus consumables are destined to meet initial pharmacy demand in Switzerland. This initial order will generate $801,000 in aggregate revenue and represent a gross margin of $448,000 for NuGen. The value of this order is more than double NuGen's reported revenue for the full fiscal year 2023 and is a great example of the growth acceleration in major markets.