NIPPON REIT Investment Corporation announced that NIPPON REIT has decided to extend the term of commitment line agreement as outlined below. Extension of Term Current maturity date: January 13, 2024. Maturity date after extension: January 13, 2025.

Maximum Loan Amount JPY 3,000 million. Date of Agreement: December 27, 2019. Term of Agreement: Before extension: January 14, 2020 to January 13, 2024.

After extension: January 14, 2020 to January 13, 2025. Contract Type: Syndication-type commitment line agreement: Main arranger: MUFG Bank Ltd. Joint arranger: Mizuho Bank Ltd. Counterparty: MUFG Bank Ltd., Mizuho Bank Ltd. Collateral: Unsecured, unguaranteed. Use of Funds: Payment for the acquisition of real estate, trust beneficiary rights and related expenses.

Repayment for debts and investment corporation bonds. Payment for capital expenditure and repair expense due to sudden unexpected factors such as natural disasters.