Newfield Resources Limited (Newfield) announced an operational update in relation to its Tongo Diamond Project in Sierra Leone (Tongo Project or Project). All key workstreams of the FEED program have been completed. The first run of the Datamine optimisation has been performed (to generate the mine development and production profile) and a second, optimised run is planned for the coming days. Once the final optimisation has been accepted this will be captured by the project financial model, bringing the FEED study to a close. Review and finalisation of all FEED outcomes, including documentation, is expected to see release of the key FEED outcomes during First Quarter 2019. Newfield's wholly owned subsidiary company, Sierra Diamonds Limited, has now received the signed, large scale mining licence (ML02/18) for the 9.98 km area that hosts the Tongo Dyke-1 kimberlite resource. This licence sits adjacent to the 124 km Tonguma mining licence (ML02/12). Both licences cover the 7.4 million JORC compliant Indicated and Inferred diamond resources hosted by the Tongo Project. ML02/18 is valid for a 25 year period from 16 May 2018. Based on the FEED studies, a single portal entrance has been designed to access the high-grade Kundu and Lando kimberlites. This entrance is situated at a site on the side of a hill that is located between the two kimberlites. Whilst this will result in slightly more decline development metres being required, it will provide significant cost savings and operational efficiencies as opposed to having a separate portal entrance for each kimberlite. Based on drilling and geotechnical studies, a volume of 45,160 m of overburden, weathered granite and competent granite is required to be excavated to shape the box cut prior to the portal entrance blasting commencing. This process has commenced with some 22,386 m of overburden and weathered granite having been removed to date, with the topsoil overburden being stockpiled separately for rehabilitation. Some 2,000 carats have been yielded from processing of stockpiled bulk samples of the Kundu, Lando and Pandebu kimberlites. In fourth quarter 2018, two diamond parcels totalling approximately 1,626 carats (post acid cleaning) were exported to Antwerp for assortment and valuation, comprising Lando (958.33cts), Kundu (300.19cts) and Pandebu (367.33cts) stones.