Neuronetics, Inc. announced its NeuroStar® Advanced Therapy Outcomes Registry, has exceeded 10,000 enrolled patients across 116 U.S. clinical practice sites. The Outcomes Registry launched in 2016 to collect and analyze data from treatment in real-world clinical settings with Neuronetics’ NeuroStar Advanced Therapy – a non-drug, non-invasive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that uses magnetic pulses to stimulate areas of the brain that are underactive in depressed patients. The registry’s latest findings using the clinician-rated CGI-S scale show that 73% of patients treated with NeuroStar experienced significant depression symptom improvement and 52% of patients achieved remission. These data validate the real-world outcomes seen in an open-label clinical trial where 58% of patients experienced significant improvement, and 37% achieved remission of their depression symptoms on the same scale. On a separate, patient-rated depression scale (PHQ-9), patients reported 62% response and 33% remission.