Nemetschek SE (XTRA:NEM) agreed to acquire dRofus AS for €24.5 million on December 20, 2016. The consideration will be paid in cash free and debt free basis. The financing of the purchase price is provided by the company’s own capital resources and by the use of lines of credit. The acquisition is expected to be closed by the beginning of January 2017. Ernst & Young AS acted as the accountant for Nemetschek SE. Sigbjørn Selvik, Jonas Hjertson, Morten Dahl and Camilla Pilhjerta of BDO AS acted as the financial advisor for Nemetschek SE. Carnegie Investment Bank AB acted as financial advisor to dRofus AS Nemetschek SE (XTRA:NEM) completed the acquisition of dRofus AS on January 3, 2017.