The Board of Directors of MT Højgaard Holding A/S has announced that President and CEO Anders Heine Jensen will be leaving his post today. The Board of Directors has initiated the search for his successor. Board member Morten Hansen will become acting President and CEO.

Board member Morten Hansen has been appointed as Acting President and CEO until a new President and CEO can take over. His first priorities are to continue the stabilisation of MT Højgaard, complete and embed the Group strategy process and assist the Board's Nomination Committee with the appointment of the new President and CEO. Morten Hansen is the owner and CEO of the project development companies Omnia Invest A/S, Tirsbæk Bakker A/S and Juulsbjerg Ejendomme A/S. He was elected to the Board of Directors of MT Højgaard Holding A/S in 2019.

During the transitional period, the Executive Board of MT Højgaard Holding A/S and MT Højgaard A/S will be composed of Morten Hansen and CFO Martin Stig Solberg.