MSCI Inc. announced the launch of 12 new indexes that will expand MSCI’s China index offering to prepare global investors for the next step of the China A inclusion process. The new MSCI China A Indexes reflect the China A shares opportunity set, and follow the MSCI Global Investable Markets Indexes Methodology and the Stock Connect eligibility constraints for large cap and mid cap companies. These indexes expand the range of the MSCI China All Shares Indexes that represent the opportunity set of the integrated MCSI China equity universe where China A shares are fully represented. The new indexes also broaden the range of the MSCI China A International Indexes which represent the A share component of the MSCI China All Shares index, excluding the Stock Connect eligibility constraints. The 12 new China indexes are: MSCI China A Index, MSCI China A Large Cap Index, MSCI China A Mid Cap Index, MSCI China A RMB Index, MSCI China A Large Cap RMB Index, MSCI China A Mid Cap RMB Index, MSCI China All Shares Large Cap Index, MSCI China All Shares Mid Cap Index, MSCI China All Shares SMID Cap Index, MSCI China A International Large Cap Index, MSCI China A International Mid Cap Index and MSCI China A International Smid Cap Index.