Mount Burgess Mining N.L. announced With the recent increase in the Gallium price to USD 826.50/kg (Kitco Strategic Metals 23/05/22), the Company has conducted further research into the contribution Ga could make to the Kihabe ­ Nxuu Project. Ga intersections in the Nxuu Deposit To date, 30 holes so far drilled into the totally oxidised, polymetallic Zn/Pb/Ag/V2O5/Ga/Ge Nxuu Deposit have been assayed for Ga. The cumulative 607.45m Ga intersection length is far longer than those of the other five minerals, as follows: Ga intersections are 50.69% longer than the 403.10m Zn intersections; Ga intersections are 120.23% longer than the 275.83m V2O5 intersections; Ga intersections are 163% longer than the 230.95m Pb intersections; Ga intersections are 349.13% longer than the 135.28m Ge intersections; Ga intersections are 389.48% longer than the 124.10m Ag intersections. The average grade of the 607.45m Ga intersections is 10.8g/t. O5/Ga/Ge Kihabe Deposit have been assayed for Ga. The cumulative 330.30m length of the Ga intersections is far longer than those of the other five minerals as follows: Ga intersections are 52.94% longer than the 216m Zn intersections; Ga intersections are 118.77% longer than the 151m Pb intersections; Ga intersections are 131.01% longer than the 143.36m Ag intersections; Ga intersections are 150.27% longer than the 132m V2O5 intersections; Ga intersections are 432.82% longer than the 62m Ge intersections. The average grade of the 330.30m Ga intersections is 12.12g/t. Data relevant to the above intersections was released to ASX on 9 February 2022. As announced test work conducted by the University of Tasmania confirmed that Ga and Germanium (Ge) are hosted in micas. Mica in the form of flakes can generally be recovered by flotation to produce a mica rich concentrate, facilitating the recovery of Ga and Ge. Test work will need to be conducted to confirm this. The Ga mineralisation in both the Nxuu and Kihabe Deposits would be extracted in the mining process when
extracting the other five minerals. According to TRADIUM GmbH, a German Company that deals in technology metals, rare earths and precious metals, Ga price increases are due primarily to demand from the 5G mobile phone networks which require greater amounts of Ga than are available.