Motech Industries, Inc. announced that Dr. Peng-Heng Chang resigned from the position of Chairman and Director of the Board for personal career planning effective August 6, 2018 and the Board elected Mr. Steve Tseng, the founder of Motech, as a new Chairman of the Board accordingly. Dr. Chang, was the Chairman of The Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association and SEMI Taiwan PV Committee, not only led Motech weathered through the ever-changing solar market but also provided many valuable suggestions to the solar industry. In 2013, Mr. Steve Tseng was elected as the Chairman of the Board and led Motech to focus on solar core business and secured Motech’s leading position in the global solar market. During this period, Mr. Steve Tseng made efforts to bring in very prominent strategic investors and complete the merge of Motech with its peer company in Taiwan. In 2016, Mr. Steve Tseng handed over his duty to Dr. Pent-Heng Chang who succeeded Mr. Tseng as Chairman of the Board. The Board also resolved Mr. Tseng to be the Honorary Chairman to date.