Quantifind Inc. announced that the risk insights provided by its Graphyte platform are now available from Microsoft Azure cloud computing service and co-sell ready. The option to utilize Graphyte's entity risk assessments and investigation applications from Azure brings a wide array of benefits in security, scalability, reliability, compliance, and time-to-value. The GraphyteSearch investigations and reporting application can be licensed directly from the Azure Marketplace.

Among the notable advantages of using Graphyte from Azure is the speed with which banks can begin benefitting from the advanced risk information offered by Graphyte. Capacity can be quickly and easily added in response to growth in demand. In addition to rapid ramp-up and scalability, banks with data and systems running in Azure can now have Graphyte's APIs and web applications available in close proximity to their other systems. This enables access over dedicated communications channels that are extremely secure.

Among advantages relating to compliance, banks can access Graphyte from a physical instance in whatever jurisdictions best align with their policies and regulatory requirements. Leveraging Azure ensures the highest achievable levels of reliability in support of stringent business continuity and disaster recovery requirements.