BREMEN (dpa-AFX) - Several people have been blocking the rail link to the Mercedes plant in Bremen since Monday morning. Climate activists chained themselves to the tracks, a police spokesman said. Three to four people are said to be on the tracks to the plant, preventing the removal of cars. Two activists with banners were also on the roof of a building on the factory premises.

According to the Disrupt initiative, activists from the climate movement had declared their support for the protest in the morning. "The climate crisis is getting worse and worse and yet Mercedes continues to produce masses of resource- and energy-guzzling cars for private transport for the sake of profit," said activist Marla Denke. "The biggest profit margin is generated by large and heavy luxury cars for the rich. But you can't drive away from the climate catastrophe in SUVs either!"

The police also temporarily closed the railroad line between Hanover and Bremen. The regional trains were stopped in the morning because at least three activists wearing high-visibility vests were standing near the track bed, according to a spokeswoman for the federal police. The blockade was lifted shortly before eight o'clock, but there could still be delays in the course of the morning./hae/DP/nas