Melkior Resources Inc. announced it received its preliminary data for the Induced Polarization ("IP") survey and High-Resolution Magnetic (MAG) surveys it completed in December 2020. The IP survey consisted of approximately 13.9 line-km along the western extension of the Bruell showing, located less than 250m from the Property. The showing is on strike with 3 other gold showing on the same structural trend, outside of the Property and being developed by Eldorado Gold. The western extension of that trend is located on the Property, where soil anomalies indicate a potential source on strike with the above showings. The IP results shows a total of 44 IP axis. The MAG survey consisted of a high-resolution MAG survey on the entire Val d'Or Property. This survey was done at a low altitude using tight line spacing, which is a configuration that has seen a lot of success by its neighboring companies in the Val d'Or district. Final technical information and interpretation will be provided in a subsequent news release once the final report is received. The company will continue its review of targets to plan its drilling by using IP and MAG data in comparison with geology and adjacent showings. Of particular interest are the following targets on Melkior's western extension of the Bruell showing: An isolated high MAG anomaly associated with a medium conductor, near a regional contact. A regional magnetic contrast associated with an orogenic gold exploration target defined by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources ("MERN"). A series of magnetic highs and weak IP anomalies located on strike with the Bruell showing. A resistive unit located on strike with the Bruell showing and in the same magnetic body. A low mag anomaly associated with a VMS exploration target defined by the MERN. An isolated high magnetic anomaly associated with a weak conductor, close to a VMS exploration target defined by the MERN. The MAG data covers the entire Property allowing a comparison between the soil and MAG results to design a follow-up survey for next summer to find the source of till anomalies previously found.