Medifocus Inc. announced its Prolieve Thermodilatation procedure for the treatment of BPH have been performed and reimbursed by insurance carriers in Hong Kong. The Prolieve Thermodilatation System offers potential relief to the millions of men who suffer from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a condition that becomes common as men age. About half of men over 50 have some enlargement of the prostate gland, and this rises to about 90% among those over 70. As the prostate enlarges, it constricts the urethra, thereby restricting the passage of urine. Persistent restriction and further progression of BPH, if left untreated, often results in worsening of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Further complications of this process may result in urinary retention, bladder stones and infection, as well as compromised bladder and kidney function. The Prolieve System is a novel focused heat therapy which utilizes a unique combination of focused heat energy directed at the prostate in combination with a patented, water cooled and pressurized dilatation balloon to achieve immediate and long-term relief of BPH symptoms with very minimal treatment related side effects after a brief in-office procedure performed under local anesthesia. The unique advantage of this combined "heat plus compression" therapy is twofold: first, the heat denatures local tissue proteins of the (balloon) dilated urethra, resulting in an expanded and stiffened urethral lumen functioning as a biological stent. Second, the compression reduces local blood flow thus increasing the thermal efficiency of the microwave energy to achieve apoptosis and tissue ablation in the targeted prostate gland. As the transurethral microwave energy is applied to the entire prostate, a computerized feedback system involving the rectal temperature probe renders the rectal temperature not to exceed 41-42 â--¦C, thus ensuring safety of the rectal wall and neurovascular bundles essential to preservation of erectile function.