The Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office has awarded ManTech International Corporation a prime contract to provide scientific, engineering, technical, and administrative support to the CTTSO. The cost-plus-fixed fee contract has a one-year base period and two one-year options with a potential value to ManTech of $33.5 million. Under the contract, ManTech will continue to provide the CTTSO and its subordinate offices with Advisory and Assistance Services and Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) services.

ManTech professionals will also continue to assist with managing acquisitions and projects to rapidly field combating terrorism solutions at home and abroad. The mission of the CTTSO is to conduct the National R&D Program for Combating Terrorism through rapid research, development and prototyping. Funding, task selection and task management are not dictated by any single agency, and community need determines task priority.

Requirements continually evolve and are defined by end users consisting of over 100 federal agencies and state, local, international and non-government organizations.