BERLIN/FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The Lufthansa special flights from Israel will also be used in the opposite direction, according to dpa information. According to the report, the four aircraft will also take passengers on the outbound flight to Tel Aviv on Friday. How many people will be on the flight was initially unclear. According to information from the magazine "Spiegel," a group of Israeli reservists is also flying from Germany to Israel.

Lufthansa is acting on behalf of the German Foreign Office, but has canceled its own flights up to and including Sunday of next week (October 22). There are no firm agreements on further special flights so far, the company has said.

On Thursday, according to the Foreign Office, a total of 950 Germans and their relatives had left Israel - apart from the special flights, a ferry to Cyprus had been organized as a further option, it was said./ceb/DP/men