MÖRFELDEN-WALLDORF (dpa-AFX) - Ahead of the next warning strike by Lufthansa ground staff, industrial action by another group of employees within the Group is also becoming more likely. Around 19,000 flight attendants of the Lufthansa core brand and its subsidiary Lufthansa Cityline have been called upon to decide on possible strikes in ballots by midday this Wednesday. The Ufo union is firmly expecting a vote in favor. Specific dates for work stoppages are not expected for the time being.

Irrespective of this, the trade union Verdi has called on employees in Lufthansa's technical, logistics and training divisions to go on a warning strike from Wednesday evening at 8pm. All other ground staff are to join the strike at 4 a.m. on Thursday. The warning strike will end for all participants at 7.10 a.m. on Saturday.

In the separate flight attendant wage negotiations for the parent company and the Regio subsidiary Cityline, the union had rejected the respective offers as insufficient. Against the backdrop of high losses in purchasing power due to inflation, the employees are looking at the renewed sharp rise in profits that Group CEO Carsten Spohr intends to present this Thursday (March 7) for the past financial year 2023.

For the approximately 18,000 cabin crew at Lufthansa and the almost 1,000 Cityline employees, Ufo is essentially demanding 15 percent more pay over a period of 18 months. The union also wants an inflation adjustment bonus of 3,000 euros and higher bonuses./ceb/DP/nas