Lophos Holdings Inc. provided further insights into the accomplishments of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Lophos Pharmaceuticals Corp. Lophos Pharmaceuticals Corp. announced the finalization of its pioneering procedure for the production of synthetic mescaline.

This innovative protocol defines the process, facilitating laboratories in employing established methodologies for synthetic mescaline production. Key Highlights of the Synthetic Mescaline Production Protocol: Advancements in Synthetic Methodologies: Lophos has successfully finalized a protocol that facilitates the production of synthetic mescated. This protocol enhances the accessibility of synthetic mescaline for scientific research and therapeutic purposes.

Consistency and Purity: The developed protocol guides the production of synthetic mesc saline and is designed to meet the highest industry standards. Industry Leadership: This milestone reinforces Lophos Pharmaceuticals Corp.'s leadership in advancing research and production methodologies for psychoactive compounds. Additionally, it underscores the capabilities of Lophos' Napanee site, further defining its role in controlled substance production under the Controlled Substances Dealers License (CSDL).

The finalized protocol for synthetic mescaline production aligns with Lophos' overarching goal of exploring the full potential of psychoactive compounds while maintaining the highest standards of safety, quality, and ethical responsibility.