Acxiom announced the Acxiom Audience Cloud™, a self-service tool for accessing Acxiom data that allows marketers to find the right audience for their campaigns, adjust the size, test new segments and distribute audiences throughout the marketing ecosystem via LiveRamp, their preferred onboarder, or native PII-based integrations. As a tool for advanced cross-channel audience management, Acxiom Audience Cloud enables agencies and marketers to generate audiences at a targeted level, while adhering to applicable privacy rules and laws. Agencies and marketers now have an on-demand tool that uses AND/OR and NOT advanced logic and generates counts in seconds for custom built audiences and delivers those audiences to hundreds of programmatic and premium publishers across desktop, mobile and social channels.  Audiences can be targeted by: Known Characteristics – such as age range, income, interests, etc. Propensities – prebuilt look-alike audiences who are in-market, have a specific brand preference, etc. Geography – by state, ZIP code, Area Code, etc. Suppression – upload your file to exclude existing customers or use criteria to remove specific attributes from audience. For instance, a media planner using Acxiom Audience Cloud can obtain counts in real time for affluent couples without children who have a high propensity for luxury cars and are active investors, and distribute this hypertargeted audience across Acxiom's publisher partner ecosystem.