Lionsgate released the "SAW®" chapter for Dead by Daylight. The "SAW" chapter lets players take on the infamous character of Amanda Young, one of Jigsaw's most well-known protégés, with a brand-new power and feature: the reverse bear trap. In an innovative twist of a classic Dead by Daylight mechanic, Amanda disguised as The Pig can place reverse bear traps on survivors, spicing up the game of cat-and-mouse as every second counts for the survivors to escape. The new survivor introduced in the chapter is David Tapp, a relentless cop set on bringing down The Pig. The two will fight it out inside iconic locations from the films. The new chapter is available for $6.99 on Windows PC through Steam and other digital distribution channels as well as on Xbox One and the PlayStation 4® computer entertainment system. The "SAW" chapter includes: New Killer + Perks and Power - The Pig; New Survivor + Perks - David Tapp; and New Map - Gideon Meat Plant.