LifeBrandz Ltd. announced resignation of Lam Siew Kee as Chairman. Role And Responsibilities: Executive. Mr. Lam Siew Kee is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Group together with the Board.

He also oversees the overall management of the Group, including steering the business and operations for future growth and expansion. Reason For Cessation: Mr. Lam joined the Company in March 2021 with the objective of leading and providing guidance to the management team to set the strategic direction and future growth plans, as well as spearheading fund raising activities. With the completion of the objectives set, Mr. Lam is resigning to pursue other career opportunities.

During this interim period, Mr. Lam will handover his duties and responsibilities to Ms. Ang Puak Huen, the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer. In view of the resignation, Mr. Lam has refrained himself from participating in any corporate decisions. The Board would like to express its gratitude and appreciation towards Mr. Lam for his contributions to the Company and the Board during his tenure.

The Sponsor, after having interviewed Mr. Lam, is satisfied that, save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no material reasons for the cessation of Mr. Lam as an Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.