Lib Work Co. Ltd. successfully constructed Lib Earth House, an innovative house that used a 3D printer for construction. The project is characterized by the use primarily of naturally derived materials.

In particular, earth is used as the primary building material to make the house environmentally friendly and contribute to achieving a sustainable society. 3D-printed housing Lib Earth House "modelA": Housing that utilizes a 3D printer for construction substantially reduces related costs, shortens construction periods, and leads to solving the main issues facing the construction industry, such as the aging of craftspeople, especially carpenters, and worker shortages. The Company, therefore, believes that it will bring new value to the housing market and help solve these major issues.

Moreover, the 3D-printed housing developed by the Company uses earth as its primary material, so it is a new construction method that is uniquely innovative and contributes to the circular economy. Consideration for sustainability and the environment: Earth, the main material, is a naturally derived and readily available resource. For this reason, it greatly cuts carbon dioxide emissions compared to typical construction and reduces the impact on the environment.

Promotion of the circular economy: Earth, a reusable resource, is consistent with the principles of the circular economy. Its use minimizes waste and allows the ultimate return of the house to nature to contribute to achieving a sustainable, recycling-based society. Low construction costs: As earth is the main material, construction costs can be reined in.

Earth is readily available, and the use of local resources can reduce transportation and processing costs as well. This leads to bringing down the construction costs of the house. Better design: The use of 3D printer technology vastly improves the design beyond conventional approaches, allowing the construction of housing with high design quality impossible to build by hand.

This, in turn, makes it possible to build more individual houses, which previously had not been possible. Shorter construction period: Building a house using a 3D printer is faster and more efficient than conventional methods. This dramatically reduces the construction process and makes it possible to build the house in a short period of time.

Reducing the construction process also helps to reduce costs. Harmony with Japan's environment: The main material used for the house, earth is a familiar material in Japan owing to its use as a wall material since antiquity. It offers exceptional moisture control and insulating properties, making it optimal for Japan's high-temperature and humid climate.

Future vision of housing construction project on Mars using a 3D printer: As a new challenge, the Company is seeking to build housing on Mars. This marks a departure from conventional space exploration projects and would use an innovative and sustainable approach. The goal is to build houses using a 3D printer and the materials found on Mars.

The key feature of the project: A sustainable Martian colony using soil as the main material. The main materials would not be transported from Earth; rather, the soil on Mars would be used as the main material. This would minimize the use of resources from Earth and contribute to sustainability and the circular economy on a universal scale.

Major cost reductions: The construction method envisioned, in which soil on Mars would be used to build housing using a 3D printer, is expected to significantly reduce costs compared to conventional space exploration projects, raising the overall economic viability of such a project. Fast and efficient construction method: Construction using a 3D printer is more efficient as it requires less human labor. The actual physical work would be performed using a programmable robot, which is expected to complete the construction process in a short period of time and lead to reduced waste as a result of the improved construction efficiency.

This will also reduce space debris. Optimization of resources on both Earth and Mars: This project will make the most of resources on Mars, minimize the requirement to transport resources from Earth, and help establish a base for space development in the future.