Lesico announced that all the preconditions for the execution of the construction and upgrade of a water supply facility in Ghana for 85 million euro have been met. The company received a down payment of approx. 13 million euro. The project, one of few projects that the company have signed in the past through its subsidiary, includes planning and execution of an upgrade and construction of a water supply facility for the Ghana national water company, and includes construction and renovation of a water pump facility in the Volta river, construction and renovation of water treatment facilities with a capacity of approx. 40,000 cubic meters per day and laying of approx. 60 kilometers of water transmission and distribution lines. It also includes construction and renovation of water towers, booster stations and ground reservoirs. The project will be executed by a subsidiary (100%) formed in Italy. The project funding will be provided by Deutche Bank, and will be insured by the Italian Export Credit Agency (SACE) along with a sub insurance of the Israeli insurer ASRA. The subsidiary is expected to receive ongoing payments under the terms of the agreement with the Ghana government, from the funding party, depending on the progression of the project. The funding agreement is between Ghana government and the funding party.