The board of directors of Landsea Green Properties Co., Ltd. together with its subsidiaries announced that Mr. Lu Baoxiang was appointed as an executive Director, and Mr. Ding Feng resigned as executive Director due to his increased commitment on the group's land investment work, all with effect from 23 February 2014. Following the resignation of Mr. Ding as executive Director, he continues as a senior management of the company and act as the Chief Investment Officer of the company to oversee the land investment work of the group. Mr. Lu joined the company in 2004.

He served as director of real estate marketing of Landsea, deputy general manager of Nanjing Real Estate Company, general manager of market customer service center, general manager of property company, general manager of human resource and administrative center, vice president of Landsea Group. Mr. Lu has over 15 years of working experiences in marketing of real estate, human resource management, property management, operation, development and management of real estate. He is responsible for the administration and human resources of the group.

Mr. Xiang Jiong was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the company and Ms. Shen Leying was re-designated from the Chief Executive Officer to the Co-Chief Executive Officer of the company, both with effect from 23 February 2014. The division of work among other executive Directors remains unchanged. Mr. Xiang is responsible for the overall operating management of the group.

Mr. Xiang joined Landsea Group in 2003, has been the marketing manager, executive marketing director, general manager of Zhejiang region and executive vice president of Landsea Group. Mr. Xiang has over 20 years of working experiences in real estate marketing and operations management.