Sales increase to 135,332 vehicles (+17% to prior year) and increase in revenue to EUR 759.1 million (+18% to prior year)

  • Sales: 135,332 vehicles / +17%
  • Revenue: EUR 759.1 million / +18%
  • EBIT: EUR 76.1 million / +24%

In the first three quarters of 2015 KTM sold 135,332 vehicles worldwide.

Therefore, sales increased by 17% compared to prior year. In the first three quarters, KTM achieved a revenue of EUR 759.1 million compared to EUR 644.8 million in prior year.

Increase in EBIT to EUR 76.1 million (+24% to prior year)
By this significant increase in sales and revenue, KTM could increase EBIT to EUR 76.1 million compared to EUR 61.3 million in prior year. Therefore, KTM achieved an EBIT margin of 10.0% in the first three quarters of 2015.

KTM expects a further increase both in sales and revenue for the
business year 2015.

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