KDA Group Inc. announced an update in the development and use of its Adherize+ platform. With the aim of assisting and improving the follow-up of hormone-dependent breast cancer patients taking oral CDK 4/6 inhibitor therapy, the Corporation, through its Adherize+ platform, will develop the monitoring and follow-up algorithm for these patients in collaboration with oncology physicians and pharmacists. CDK 4/6 inhibitors are proven effective treatments for many hormone-dependent breast cancers in the adjuvant (preventive) or metastatic (palliative) setting, in combination with an aromatase inhibitor.

Adherize+ will be able to maximize real-time treatment management between healthcare providers and patients receiving this drug, enabling direct and active communication in monitoring adherence and any adverse effects that may occur during the prescribed course of treatment. This new relationship created by Adherize+ will bring peace of mind to every patient, who will be able to access rapid communication and a wealth of information to reassure and support them in following and respecting their treatment according to recognized medical and therapeutic recommendations, for example automatic dosage adjustments based on laboratory tests performed.