

January 29, 2015

For nine months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 and one year ended March 31, 2014 (Consolidated)

Operating results

Millions of yen Thousands of U.S. dollars

Nine months ended Nine months ended Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 31, 2013 Dec. 31, 2014

Net sales 1,016,447 920,852 $ 8,433,145

Operating income 60,357 46,079 500,763
Net income 44,928 23,292 372,753
Earnings per share (Yen) 26.8 13.9

Financial condition

Millions of yen / Thousand shares Thousands of U.S. dollars

As of As of As of

Dec. 31, 2014 March. 31,2014 Dec. 31, 2014

Total assets 1,800,783 1,554,430 $ 14,940,537

Net assets 424,272 376,686 3,520,053
Number of shares issued and outstanding 1,671,716 1,671,750
Equity Ratio 22.6% 23.3%

Cash flows

Millions of yen

Nine months ended Nine months ended

Thousands of U.S. dollars

Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 31, 2013 Dec. 31, 2014

Operating activities (110,348) (82,941) $ (915,523) Investing activities (52,480) (62,728) (435,410) Financing activities 161,068 141,841 1,336,331
Cash and cash equivalents at end of term 41,468 31,126 344,047

Fiscal year forecast

Millions of yen

Net sales Operating income Net income
One year ending March 31, 2014 1,510,000 86,000 56,000

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Notes : 1. This "FLASH CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS" and following financial statements have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles and practices in Japan.
2. All US$ amounts in these statements represent the arithmetical results of translating Japanese yen to U.S. dollars on the basis of ¥120.53=$1, the rate prevailing as of December 31, 2014, solely for the convenience of the readers.

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Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

As of December 31 and March 31, 2014

Assets :

Current assets :

Thousands of

Millions of yen U.S. dollars

As of As of As of

  Dec. 31, 2014 Mar. 31, 2014 Dec. 31, 2014

Cash on hand and in banks 45,585 47,949 $ 378,204

Receivables, less allowance 521,979 426,676 4,330,697
Inventories 540,926 458,033 4,487,895

Other current assets 100,084 73,096 830,367

Total current assets 1,208,574 1,005,754 10,027,163

Investments and long-term loans less allowance 107,609 94,257 892,799

Net property, plant and equipment 414,429 383,912 3,438,388

Intangible and other assets 70,171 70,507 582,187

Total assets 1,800,783 1,554,430 $ 14,940,537

Liabilities and net assets :

Current liabilities :

Short-term borrowings

and current portion of long-term debt 365,635 191,162 $ 3,033,560

Payables 316,076 306,031 2,622,384
Advances from customers 145,605 137,598 1,208,039

Other current liabilities 151,687 160,625 1,258,501

Total current liabilities 979,003 795,416 8,122,484

Long-term liabilities :

Net assets :

Total net assets 424,272 376,686 3,520,053

Total liabilities and net assets 1,800,783 1,554,430 $ 14,940,537

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Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income

For nine months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013

Thousands of

Millions of yen U.S. dollars

Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014

Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2013


Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014

Net sales 1,016,447 920,852 +10% $ 8,433,145

Cost of sales 827,639 750,864 6,866,664
Gross profit 188,808 169,988 1,566,481

Selling, general and administrative expenses 128,451 123,909 1,065,718
Operating income 60,357 46,079 +31% 500,763
Other income (expenses) :
Interest and dividend income 780 1,075 6,471
Equity in income of unconsolidated
subsidiaries and affiliates 8,199 4,039 68,024
Interest expense (2,872) (3,011) (23,828)

Other, net (1,692) (9,453) (14,038)
Income before income taxes and
minority interests 64,772 38,729 537,392
Income taxes (17,798) (13,658) (147,664)
Minority interests in net income of
        consolidated subsidiaries (2,046) (1,779) (16,975)

Net income 44,928 23,292+93% $ 372,753

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Segment information

Information by reportable segment

External Intersegment sales sales

Millions of yen Nine months ended Dec. 31, 2013



Operating Operating expenses income (loss)

Ship Offshore Structure 58,635 1,168 59,803 59,791 12

Rolling Stock 97,956 3,734 101,690 95,403 6,287

Aerospace 187,125 1,468 188,593 167,658 20,935

Gas Turbine & Machinery 125,368 12,113 137,481 130,589 6,892

Plant & Infrastructure 58,494 10,776 69,270 68,411 859

Motorcycle & Engine 213,030 500 213,530 209,492 4,038

Precision Machinery 84,906 8,717 93,623 86,433 7,190

Other 95,338 23,852 119,190 116,789 2,401

Total 920,852 62,328 983,180 934,566 48,614

Eliminations and corporate - (62,328) (62,328) (59,793) (2,535)

Consolidated total 920,852 - 920,852 874,773 46,079

External Intersegment sales sales

Millions of yen Nine months ended Dec. 31, 2014



Operating Operating expenses income (loss)

Ship Offshore Structure 64,890 1,686 66,576 63,229 3,347

Rolling Stock 87,884 3,061 90,945 86,571 4,374

Aerospace 229,364 1,737 231,101 200,928 30,173

Gas Turbine & Machinery 149,734 9,861 159,595 152,482 7,113

Plant & Infrastructure 72,248 14,475 86,723 84,438 2,285

Motorcycle & Engine 212,925 523 213,448 209,314 4,134

Precision Machinery 95,314 10,183 105,497 97,546 7,951

Other 104,088 26,141 130,229 127,391 2,838

Total 1,016,447 67,667 1,084,114 1,021,899 62,215

Eliminations and corporate - (67,667) (67,667) (65,809) (1,858) Consolidated total 1,016,447 - 1,016,447 956,090 60,357

Thousands of U.S. dollars Nine months ended Dec. 31, 2014

External Intersegment Total Operating Operating sales sales sales expenses income (loss)

Ship Offshore Structure $ 538,372 $ 13,988 $ 552,360 $ 524,591 $ 27,769

Rolling Stock 729,146 25,396 754,542 718,253 36,289

Aerospace 1,902,961 14,412 1,917,373 1,667,037 250,336

Gas Turbine & Machinery 1,242,296 81,813 1,324,109 1,265,096 59,013

Plant & Infrastructure 599,419 120,094 719,513 700,556 18,957

Motorcycle & Engine 1,766,572 4,340 1,770,912 1,736,613 34,299

Precision Machinery 790,790 84,485 875,275 809,309 65,966

Other 863,589 216,884 1,080,473 1,056,923 23,550

Total 8,433,145 561,412 8,994,557 8,478,378 516,179

Eliminations and corporate - (561,412) (561,412) (545,996) (15,416) Consolidated total $ 8,433,145 $ - $ 8,433,145 $ 7,932,382 $ 500,763

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Net sales, orders and order backlog by reportable segment

For nine months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 and as of December 31 and March 31, 2014

Thousands of

Millions of yen U.S. dollars

Nine months ended

Nine months ended


Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014

Dec. 31, 2013


Dec. 31, 2014

Net sales :

Ship & Offshore Structure 64,890 (6%) 58,635 (6%) +11% $ 538,372

Rolling Stock 87,884 (9%) 97,956 (11%) -10% 729,146
Aerospace 229,364 (23%) 187,125 (20%) +23% 1,902,961
Gas Turbine & Machinery 149,734 (15%) 125,368 (14%) +19% 1,242,296
Plant & Infrastructure 72,248 (7%) 58,494 (6%) +24% 599,419
Motorcycle & Engine 212,925 (21%) 213,030 (23%) -% 1,766,572
Precision Machinery 95,314 (9%) 84,906 (9%) +12% 790,790
Other 104,088 (10%) 95,338 (11%) +9% 863,589

Total 1,016,447 (100%) 920,852 (100%) +10% $ 8,433,145

Orders :

Ship & Offshore Structure 140,773 (13%) 54,683 (6%) +157% $ 1,167,949

Rolling Stock 102,457 (9%) 108,259 (11%) -5% 850,053
Aerospace 194,939 (18%) 162,052 (17%) +20% 1,617,348
Gas Turbine & Machinery 144,318 (13%) 140,990 (15%) +2% 1,197,361
Plant & Infrastructure 81,465 (8%) 83,573 (9%) -3% 675,889
Motorcycle & Engine 212,925 (20%) 213,030 (22%) -% 1,766,572
Precision Machinery 96,519 (9%) 92,401 (10%) +4% 800,788
Other 106,057 (10%) 98,810 (10%) +7% 879,926

Total 1,079,453 (100%) 953,798 (100%) +13% $ 8,955,886

Order backlog :

Thousands of

Millions of yen U.S. dollars

As of As of % As of

Dec. 31, 2014 Mar. 31, 2014 Change Dec. 31, 2014

Ship & Offshore Structure 251,730 (15%) 161,134 (11%) +108% $ 2,088,525

Rolling Stock 411,147 (25%) 364,654 (24%) +4% 3,411,159
Aerospace 421,862 (26%) 450,581 (30%) +1% 3,500,058
Gas Turbine & Machinery 313,075 (19%) 295,100 (20%) +17% 2,597,486
Plant & Infrastructure 182,082 (11%) 170,737 (11%) -7% 1,510,677

Motorcycle & Engine - ( - %) - ( - %) -% -

Precision Machinery 27,027 (2%) 25,821 (2%) -8% 224,234
Other 34,201 (2%) 32,237 (2%) +13% 283,757

Total 1,641,124 (100%) 1,500,264 (100%) +12% $ 13,615,896

Net Sales by geographic area

For nine months ended December 31, 2014 and 2013

Thousands of

Millions of yen U.S. dollars

Nine months ended Nine months ended % Nine months ended

Dec. 31, 2014 Dec. 31, 2013 Change Dec. 31, 2014

Japan 430,930 (43%) 405,697 (44%) +6% $ 3,575,292

United States 246,440 (24%) 209,367 (23%) +17% 2,044,636
Europe 74,730 (7%) 62,130 (7%) +20% 620,011
Asia 171,983 (17%) 162,530 (17%) +5% 1,426,889
Other 92,364 (9%) 81,128 (9%) +13% 766,317

Total 1,016,447 (100%) 920,852 (100%) +10% $ 8,433,145

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