Kaival Brands Innovations Group, Inc. announced that Bidi Vapor's primary offering, the Bidi® Stick, is the fastest-growing closed system vaping product in the U.S. The tamper-resistant Bidi® Stick is also the only vape product on the market with an ecologically friendly, mass-recycling program. Kaival Brands is excited to announce Bidi Vapor's new product for adult users – the Bidi™ Pouch, which Kaival Brands will exclusively distribute. The Bidi™ Pouch provides a tobacco-free nicotine formulation packed in an easy-to-go tin can. The Bidi™ Pouch debuts in the market on February 1, 2021. With the Bidi® Stick premium disposable e-cigarette having achieved significant market share (among the Top 3 in market share for disposable e-cigarettes in U.S. all-channel dollar sales, according to Nielsen as of January 9, 2021), Mr. Patel believes the introduction of the Bidi™ Pouch will build on that platform of success.