10 January 2013

Neuhof-Ellers potash plant

Marc Grieger, from Rommerz, and Pascal Prang, from Nieder-Moos/Vogelsbergkreis, achieved the top grades in completing their three-year industrial mechanic apprenticeship in the spring of 2012. Both are now studying mechanical engineering at Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences under the auspices of the K+S StudiumPlus grant programme. They received an award for their outstanding achievements from the Fulda District of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) at the traditional apprenticeship completion ceremony on 8 November 2012. At the same time, the potash plant received an award as a Top 10 Apprenticeship Facility for 2012 from Fulda CCI.

Plant manager Dieter Friedrich is pleased that his two former apprentices performed well. He attended the CCI event at the Kunzell Community Centre, together with trainers from the potash plant. CCI President Bernhard Juchheim presented the certificate for the Top 10 Apprenticeship Facility. CCI President Juchheim forecast the best future opportunities for the first-class examinees in his welcome address to the best graduates of 2012. At the same time, he made a plea to the young skilled specialists not to relent in their readiness for continuing education. More than 500 guests attended the lively event.

1,182 apprentices from 462 apprenticeship facilities sat their examinations in a total of 91 trades with Fulda CCI this year. The 1,111 apprentices who passed their examination also included seven state prize-winners and one national prize-winner. The Neuhof-Ellers potash plant, which, with around 750 employees, is one of the biggest employers in the southern district of Fulda, trains 45 apprentices on average in the trades of energy electronics technician, industrial mechanic, industrial business management assistant and mining technologist - all of whom have the best prospects of being taken on in the trade they have learned.

Ivonne Balduf

K+S KALI GmbH - Werk Werra
Postfach 1163
36267 Philippsthal

Phone : +49 6620 79 4050
Fax: +49 6620 79 4002

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