Joby Aviation, Inc. announced it has received Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") authorization to use a suite of software tools developed in-house, called 'ElevateOS', that are designed to enable high-tempo, on-demand air taxi operations. The ElevateOS operating system, which will be introduced during a virtual presentation later, includes pilot tools, operations and schedule management software, a mobile-first rider app, and an intelligent matching engine. The matching engine is similar to those used by ride-hailing apps and pairs passengers with available aircraft and landing infrastructure to deliver journeys that are as efficient as possible.

During today's presentation, Joby will cover a range of other preparations it is making to support the launch of commercial air taxi operations as soon as 2025, including pilot training and the simulation of its planned air taxi service using a conventional aircraft that carries the same number of passengers as Joby's aircraft. Utilizing a Part 135 Air Carrier Certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration more than two years ago, Joby has already been able to use its ElevateOS software to test core aspects of its planned operations, by: Offering Joby team members a true, on-demand passenger service, enabling them to book flights with free choice of timing, origin and destination, using the Joby rider app. Matching passengers with similar routes to each other, using automation tools.

Taking payments from Joby team members and external customers for whole-aircraft chartered flights. Integrating the use of the Joby pilot app, rider app and back-end operational software. Joby has been actively developing and testing these software tools, in-house, since acquiring Uber Elevate, the air taxi division of Uber in 2021.

In 2019, Uber Elevate launched and ran UberCopter, the world's first on-demand, multi-modal air taxi service in New York City, using traditional helicopters that were bookable via the Uber app.