Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. announced that it is part of a consortium that was awarded a ten-year framework agreement to provide decommissioning delivery services in the First Generation Magnox Storage Pond facility at Sellafield Ltd. in the United Kingdom. The consortium, consisting of Jacobs, Energy Solutions and Westinghouse Electric Company, was confirmed as Sellafields delivery partner in Lot 2 of the decommissioning delivery partnership (DDP). The 10-year framework enables the consortium to work collaboratively with Sellafield Ltd. to provide a strategic approach to project and program planning and delivery.

It also allows the supply chain to help shape work packages that bring better value and drive accelerated delivery. Working as part of an integrated team with Sellafield Ltd, the consortium is expected to be a key contributor in providing a step change in the planning and delivery of nuclear decommissioning in high-hazard environments: moving activities from an operational to a decommissioning mind set. Jacobs and its consortium partners are providing nuclear decommissioning technical expertise to accelerate package delivery; client project management; and design and field service execution services for projects in potentially high-hazard environments.

The team is also providing accelerated development of technology application and collaborative working with Sellafield Ltd. The contract has a base period of five years, plus a further five-year option period.