But a report released on Thursday looking into that leak isn't naming names.

It said it couldn't figure out who leaked the Roe v. Wade draft after an eight-month investigation.

News outlet Politico published it in May, sparking an internal crisis at the court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority.

The leak marked an unprecedented violation of the court's tradition of confidentiality in behind-the scenes processes.

At the time, Chief Justice John Roberts called it an "egregious breach" and directed a Supreme Court marshal to investigate.

The report says none of the 97 court employees interviewed by investigators confessed.

The report did not make it clear whether the justices were interviewed.

Computers, networks, printers and logs didn't turn up any forensic evidence, either.

Conservative Justice Samuel Alito wrote the draft opinion.

The final one that came out in June was almost the same.

It upheld a Mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and ended the recognition of a woman's right to an abortion under the U.S. Constitution.

Several Republican-governed states moved rapidly after the ruling to enact abortion bans.

Thursday's report comes at a time when opinion polls show the public is losing confidence in the institution.

According to a recent Reuters/Ipsos poll, only 43% of Americans have a favorable view of the court.