ePlus inc. announced a new partnership with Intel and Surgical Theater.  Together with its partners, ePlus will assist customers to bridge the knowledge gap between doctors and patients with Surgical Theater’s Precision VR technology.  Accurate information and imagery is vitally important for surgeons, both before and during surgery.  Patients and families also depend on clear, user-friendly data to make informed decisions about critical procedures.  Virtual reality (VR) is emerging as an important tool for healthcare stakeholders—and Intel, Surgical Theater, and ePlus are leading the way to bring these precedent-setting capabilities to healthcare professionals and the people who depend on them for life-saving treatment. Powered by Intel Core i7 processors, Precision VR combines F-16 flight simulation technology with 360° Virtual Realty to bring conventional medical imaging to life.  Its Precision VR Engage visualization platform helps doctors more effectively educate patients and their families—giving them a “fly through” leading to a clearer understanding of the diagnosis, prognosis, surgical plan, and potential risks/benefits.  The result is greater comfort and trust, and increased patient engagement, which translates into decreased patient migration, greater surgical conversion, and improved patient satisfaction. On the surgical side, the Surgical Navigation Advanced Platform (SNAP) revolutionizes the way delicate and highly-complex surgical procedures are performed.  Creating the surgical plan with the patient-specific 360VR models allows surgeons to leverage SNAP’s real-time VR guidance while operating.  SNAP’s detailed imaging may also result in increasingly precise surgical procedures, potentially protecting the anatomy while optimizing patient outcomes and recovery times.