INEO Tech Corp., through its wholly owned subsidiary, INEO Solutions Inc., provides retailers with the INEO Welcoming Network, a patented in-store and online location-based advertising network which enhances the customer experience, monetizes the entrances of retail stores and protects against retail theft. Using The Welcoming System, INEO's network of digital advertising and anti-theft devices located at the entrance of retail stores, INEO was able to analyze traffic patterns of more than 800,000 shoppers in the month of December, including on New Year's Eve, when BC liquor stores were ordered to close at 8 PM. This data analysis clearly shows restricting store hours does not reduce the number of shoppers. In fact, it creates the COVID Crunch, where the last hour of the shopping day results in congestion and over-crowding which challenges social distancing efforts. INEO is publishing this data to assist public health decision makers, businesses, and the public to better manage this phenomenon during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the company is publishing this overcrowding effect on key holiday dates in December, the effect can be seen whenever retail hours are restricted in stores which provide essential services.