High North Resources Ltd. provided an update on the company's operations. In the third and fourth quarters of 2013, the company drilled three successful horizontal oil wells in the Girouxville field, targeting the Montney formation. Production equipment is currently being installed on the first two wells 16-2-76-21 W5M and 9-2-76-21 W5M.

Extended production tests will be conducted in order to determine stabilized production rates. Both wells have produced good quality oil even though load fluid remains to be recovered. The third well 9-26-75-21 W5M was successfully drilled in the Montney formation.

The company announced that the Montney formation core analysis indicated the same reservoir qualities as the first two wells. The formation was frac'd and production testing has commenced. Details on well flow rates will be made available when testing is completed.

The company has now accumulated options to acquire up to 20 1/4 sections (12,960 acres) of oil and gas rights including the oil prospective Montney formation directly offsetting and parallel to the successful Montney oil field currently being developed in Girouxville. Horizontal Montney oil wells directly offsetting High North's leases have good, proven production rates.