Herborium(R) Group, Inc. announced the launch of two new unique Botanical Therapeutics(R): The Lasting Pleasure(R) for Women and Lasting Power(R) for Men to enter $1.5 billion Natural Sexual Health market. Over 30% increase in revenues from sales of AcnEase(R) in 2013, and growing recognition of Herborium's brand provide a solid foundation for launching Lasting Pleasure(R) and Lasting Power(R) as one of a kind, all botanical Sexual Enhancement Therapeutics(R). In addition, there is a growing need for women sexual health products.

The female sexual enhancement industry is poised for an explosion and is expected to grow into a multibillion dollar business as women themselves become increasingly aware of their sexuality and their sexual health. In 2012 the sales of female personal lubricants grew 41% and this growth continued in 2013. There is no Viagra comparative product on the market for women and Herborium's Lasting Pleasure(R) for Women is the ONLY product of its kind.