Harfang Exploration Inc. announced results of its exploration campaign completed during Summer 2018 on its Lake Ménarik Property located in the La Grande Sub-province (James Bay, Québec). Recent work confirms the high-grade gold potential of quartz veins hosted in monzonitic intrusions and adjacent volcano-sedimentary units. These high-grade gold occurrences are predominantly associated to deformed and submetric quartz veins hosted in a monzonite intrusion (e.g. David, Nova, Ben-Gord, Amy, Giaro and Benoît showings) and its adjacent volcano-sedimentary host rock (e.g. Gordie, Ekomiak, Massé and Greco showings) (Figures 1 to 3). This mineralization style, possibly related to deformation along regional structures, needs further fieldwork investigation as the potential of high-grade gold in quartz veins (>10 g/t Au) has been disregarded in the project history. Historical exploration was more guided towards the low-grade potential of the monzonite. Figures 2 and 3 show the abundance of high-grade gold occurrences on the property. The lateral extension of such quartz veins is generally less than 10 m, striking into a northerly direction. The more extensive veins mapped over 50 m in length (e.g. Gordie and Ben-Gord showings) are mainly oriented into an easterly direction, subparallel to the regional deformational structures (shear zones and faults). These veins and their selvages commonly contain disseminated pyrite (<2%) and alteration minerals such as calcite, chlorite and hematite. Albite, sericite and K-feldspar also occur in the most altered monzonite. Summer 2018 fieldwork was mainly focussed on mechanical trenching and rock sampling on the gold-bearing monzonite and its surroundings. During this campaign, Harfang continued the geological mapping in strategic sectors of the property in order to improve its understanding of the ore genesis in relation with the overall geological scheme.